Friday, February 15, 2008

30 people that are the worst and get me all fired up.

In no particular order except for #1
1) Hillary Clinton
2) Rosie O'Donnell
3) Oprah
4) Dr. Phil
5) Ellen Degeneres
6) My mother
7) Bill Belichek
8) Derek Jeter
9) Tom Cruise
10) Alicia can't play the piano so just stand up and show off the fact that you are fat and can't dance already !
11) Anyone on MTV
12) Paul Steigerwald
13) The weatherman on channel does he get me fired up...whats you fricking deal? weirdo!
14) Sarah Jessica Parker... although I think she might actually be my brother
15) Every cast memeber of Friends, Frasier, and That 70's show...especially Austin Cusher-Moore
16) The idiot on Mojo that gets to booze around the world on the show "three sheets"....your not even funny...what are you suppposed to be? a comedian?
17) The big fat idiots i work with
18) Ed Rendell
19) Comcast
20) Them
21) Paul Evans, Ben Howland, Jamie Dixon, and Bill Hillgrove (traitor)....but especially Paul Evans!
22) Dr. Cox
23) Stuggs
24) Jardina's brother...what?
25) The PA announcer at the dukes game....Threeeecola? Are you serious?
26) The Moody Blues, Bob Seger, Bruce Springsteen2
27) Paul O' Neil
28) Puff Daddy
29) American Idol and all this other garbage
30) The NFL

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1990 Dukes Highlight Video...Awesome!!!!! (I am on this one as a ball boy but its tough to see!)