Monday, February 25, 2008

Dukes Lose Again! Everhart Gets a New Nickname!

The Dukes dropped their third in a row yesterday with a 75-72 defeat at the hands of La Salle. At this point I am almost too mad to wax eloquently about the loss, but I will say this much: The Dukes were outcoached in all three games!

With three games remaining, and a post-season birth on the line, Ron Everhart needs to learn how to do 3 things: 1) Call timeout 2) Make halftime adjustments 3) Put his best players on the floor and stop playing head games with James and Mensah. Kudos to Everhart for recruiting better players, restoring hope in the program, and getting his players to actually try, but the jury is still out on his true coaching ability.

For those of you that choose to recall, I said at the beginning of the year that the Dukes' biggest flaw would be the 3-point shot. They now sit dead last in the A-10 in 3 pt % and defenses can easily game plan against the Dukes inability to hit the long one.

Typically when you lose as many close games as the Dukes have this year, especially to teams deemed "lesser" opponents, some people might start questioning the head coach. The Dukes horrible record over the last 25 years has prevented any serious criticism from sticking to Ron Everhart. He has been given a free ride. Bluff Divers hereby will refer to Ron Everhart as "Teflon Ron."

While its been a better year, the thought of "what could have been" lingers with each crushing and close defeat.

Let's hope they can right the ship and sneak into the NIT. They may meet crosstown rival Pitt there!

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1990 Dukes Highlight Video...Awesome!!!!! (I am on this one as a ball boy but its tough to see!)