Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Top Ten Worst Pittsburgh Sports People

10) Mark Madden- I very much often agree with what he says, but his antics, which include way too much talk about hockey, soccer, and wrestling, make him a neccessity for this list. He also skipped out on many-a-bill while doing live broadcasts sponsored by Coors Light.

9) Joe Bendel- How does this man keep a job in radio? Well, I guess you would have to consider FOX 970 radio to begin with.

8) Sally Wiggin- She makes the list because every time I watch the Steelers on Monday Night, they cart her dried up hair-poon out onto the field and ask her questions like her opinions really matter. Stop it already!

7) Bill Hillgrove- Jack Flemming wannabee sellout (he went to Duquesne, ya know). His "long enough, high enough, good enough" line makes me want to stick razor blades up my a-hole. Why can't play by play guys do play by play, and color guys do color (No obama fans, thats not a racial remark!)? He might be the worst when it comes to painting a picture of what is actually happening in the game.

6) Tunch Ilkin- I actually sort of like Tunch, but his Turkish decent and this websites avid support of the BBDAA (bulgarian bluffdivers association of america) requires him to make this list.

5) Tim Benz- You petite putz! I have met this man on several occasions and he is a complete and total douche bag!!! During a radio remote I worked with him, he actually referred to himself as "the talent." He should refer to himself as "the dicknose."

4) John Fedko- Remember when you were ten, and John Fedko was really funny? Well it stopped being funny after I got pubes...around 15 years ago. And after I got cable (wow, my parents are the worst) and saw his act being done by a fatter and more abnoxious Chris Berman on a national level, it really ended for me. He also receives an honorable mention for 3rd worst mustache removal of all time, right behind Weird Al Yankovic and Tom Selleck.

3) John Wehner- people from Carrick have no right to be on television...he has proved this much. He's a great guy. Awful, just awful color commentator. Makes unwatchable Pirate baseball television broadcasts actually worse than whats happening on the field. I wish he would "hustle" his way back to giving private batting lessons at the Sandlot batting cages where he belongs.

2) All Pittsburgh Newspaper Writers and Editors (except for Gene Collier)- They are all so bad I grouped them together. A bunch of miserable, homer, yinzer, curmudgeons (spelling?). How 'bout something other than Steelers coverage (gazette) and Pens coverage (trib)? Maybe even say something negative about the Rooney's or the Steeler orgaziation? They deserve it. When the Dukes upset Dayton, the story was on page 5. The local t.v. coverage is bad enough. Can I get more than an NBA score one time? Maybe since the Pirates are so bad, you could write about some of the great baseball being played elsewhere?

1a) Greg Brown- I could write three pages on why he is so bad! He makes my skin crawl everytime I hear his voice. He knows nothing about baseball, gets way too excited over meaningless plays, and should be shot for coming up with things like "Raise the Jolly Roger"....I just threw up in my mouth typing that. They should just let known booze hound Lanny Fratare do the games by himself ala Vince Skully.

1b) Paul Steigerwald- I have had the mis-privelege (take that Clemens) of meeting this pompous asshole on several occasions and one-on-one. The Steigerwald brothers did a piece on Central when I was in school....John is a great guy by the way...and I shadowed the former Pens trainer Skip Thayer for two days as well. On both occasions I learned that this man is a complete and total piece of spooge. Not to mention he forced lange out (don't think he didn't), he knows nothing about any other sports but hockey and he's no great expert on that either, and he has the personality of a roll of wallpaper. He also said that "the Boston Red Sox ruined baseball, so I don't watch the game anymore" in a game against the Bruins. If you don't know the fallicies in that statement and why it is so wrong on so many levels, you know nothing about sports! You should try "Gary Bettman ruined the NHL, but yet somehow I still have a job!" That would be a much more accurate statement.

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1990 Dukes Highlight Video...Awesome!!!!! (I am on this one as a ball boy but its tough to see!)