Friday, March 7, 2008

Bulgarian BluffDivers Association of America Presents....Famous Bulgarian Americans.

-Anais Alexander - model/porn star, her mother is half-Bulgarian. (She is possibly Thorton Mellon's future ex-wife).
-Greg Jordnanoff- philanthropist, humorist, bluff diver, and friend to all.

-Nicholas Paul Jordanoff- once strong bluff diver, world famous meat head, father of the bean

-Iliya Jordanoff- unofficial Allegheny County record holder of quarters successfully stuck up one's nose

-Assen Jordanoff (no relation)- aviation constructor with global recognition. considered "the father of modern aviation."

-Joe Jordanoff (no realtion)- internationally ranked body surfer.

-Carl Djerrasi - famous chemist, developed the first oral contraceptive pill (OCP) that was nominated as one of the greatest medical discoveries in the last 166 years.

-John Atanasoff - the inventor of the first computer.

Thats right a porn star, the guy who developed the pill, and the inventor of the first computer ( All of which without Bluff Divers would cease to exist) were all Bulgarian Americans!

-Rita Wilson - actress and producer, married to Tom Hanks.

Other notables....

-Christo (not to be confused with Family Guy's Christobel) - world famous artist, known for projects such as The Gates, The Wrapped Reichstag, etc.
-Dan Koleff - world famous wrestler from the first part of the 20th century.
-Leah Labelle - singer, finalist in American Idol.
-Peter Petroff - inventor, engineer, NASA scientist, and adventurer.
-Stephane Groueff - writer, journalist, wrote the "Manhattan Project".
-Victor Ninov - famous nuclear physicist, discovered
darmstadtium, roentgenium, and ununbium.
-Ephram Nestor - deported Communist, party to Supreme Court case Flemming v. Nestor
-Ted Kotcheff - Canadian film and television director

Sponsored by the BBDAA

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1990 Dukes Highlight Video...Awesome!!!!! (I am on this one as a ball boy but its tough to see!)