Friday, March 7, 2008

Cheers to Bluff Divers.

Have one on us Mr. Peterson!!!

-One of the few things I look forward to on a day to day basis is getting to watch Cheers (8:00 AM TV Land). It is a travesty that this show is only on once a day. I am planning on naming my first son Samuel Norman...because every buddy loves chubby funny guys, ex-baseball players, playboys that have to deal with neurotic women, and beer!

Presenting a new bluff diver feature...Norm Peterson Quote of The Day!!! (i will provide two on day #1)

"What'll it be, Normie?"
"Just the usual Coach. I'll have a froth of beer and a snorkel."

Norm was a bluff diver!

"Can I pour you a beer, Mr. Peterson?"
"A little early isn't it, Woody?"
"For a beer?"
"No, for stupid questions."

-How can there ever be a better show than one that accurately depicts downtime at a bar? You know, like 6 o'clock at Kopy's on a Saturday night. Just you and your boys hanging out with nothing really going on and no one really there...let the hijinx ensue.

-People have often said to me Cheers is very unrealistic because people leave in the middle of a shift to do crazy things (like visit Robin Colcort in jail or play pranks on Gary's Olde Town Tavern). Anyone who ever worked in Oakland back in the day or in OE's heyday or at any bar for that matter, knows that this was a distinct and real possiblity. Rounders anyone? Ten ounzers?

-Cheers even made Kelsey Grammar and Shelly Long funny. Thats like making Rosey O'Donnel look like Heidi Klum.

-I don't get how I am strangely attracted to Carla either.

-The only thing that makes me mad about Cheers was that they didn't expand the character of Paul more often (one of the Bob's from Office Space)

-I would like to eat at the Hungry Heffer

-I love how when Ernie Pantuso aka Coach passed away, they basically created the same dum dum character in Woody Boyd

-Cliff Claven ate at the Old Europe two days in a row!!!

-My favorite episode is when Cliff gets treated with shock therapy to be less annoying and Al (the old guy) gets a hold of the shocker and quips "Dance, Mail Boy!"

-Great last episode. Unlike Seinfeld.

-Bluff Divers is contemplating starting a petition to the networks to remove all episodes of Will and Grace, Frasier, Friends, That 70's show, and Scrubs (I never know when to laugh at that show) and replace them with Cheers, Wings, Night Court, Hogans Heroes, and All in the Family. Maybe toss in some Perfect Strangers.


Anonymous said...

Mr. Mellon,

I love all of the old movie references on this site, but you misspelled your own first name. It's spelled Thornton, not Thorton.

By the way, tell Phil Barbay I said hello. Can you still do a triple lindy?

Thorton Mellon said...

It is spelled incorrectly on purpose...I am clearly nowhere near the man thornton was!

I admire your perseptive insight though. I am surprised it took someone so long to pick up on that!

Chaz Osborne said...

I know the reason why you are strangely attracted to Carla, she's a whore. She's close to being the female version of you. She's banged a lot of questionable dudes over the years, just like some of the questionable broads you've shacked up with.

You are right however, it is a travesty that show isn't on more often. I loved it so much, I named my softball team Gary's Olde Towne Tavern a few years back.

Bluto Blutarsky said...

Carla was the one who created the 'Southside Steamer'. You merely copied it at some chicks place.

1990 Dukes Highlight Video...Awesome!!!!! (I am on this one as a ball boy but its tough to see!)